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Full Moon Ceremony + Dance

  • Fountainetta’s Residence San Jose, CA 95111 United States (map)

A moon circle is a sacred gathering of women, who usually come together to honour and celebrate the new and full moon.

In ancient communities, this circle was used to call in the divine feminine, and as a way of grounding, centering, and receiving higher wisdom.

A moon circle is a safe space, where women can enjoy being in sacred sisterhood, feel supported and witnessed. Everything that happens in circle remains privately in the circle, which allows women to truly open up, share, and be authentic.

If you’re new to moon circles, you can think of them like a yoga class or therapy group, but for your soul; infused with play, transformation, and magic.

Women and the moon

Women are inextricably linked to the moon. She has a 29 day cycle, which mirrors our menstrual cycle. She has four main phases, and so do we.

Men live by the sun, and women live by the moon. This is the way it is; the way it has always been.

Many will argue that because we can’t see the energy and forces of the moon, they don’t exist. But this is just one of many subconscious things—astrology, faith, love—that cannot be explained or understood with science. And that doesn’t make it less than or inferior to anything else that can be.

Working with the moon is a wonderful way to honour and celebrate your own sacred cycle as a woman, and tune in to mumma nature and the energy of the moon. It’s a way to create space, rhythm, and harmony; in your days, weeks, and months. It’s a powerful, underutilised tool and strength that only we, as women, have access to.

The power of attending a moon circle

If you’re new to working with the moon, a moon circle is a wonderful way to initiate yourself into this world, and dip your toes in her waters.

You can connect with like-minded women, form friendships, and experience the magic of sisterhood.

You can be yourself, speak your truth, and feel confident and comfortable within your body. Because this circle is a sanctuary for women who are craving a safe, authentic space, free of judgement. For we have been judged, criticised, and shamed for lifetimes.

You can be there to support other women, as they share their hopes and dreams and struggles; and be a part of their healing and transformation, as well as your own.

A moon circle not only builds a community, and has the power to heal all the women in the circle; but has the power to extend that healing to each of those women’s wider communities, and create a far-reaching ripple effect that changes the world.

The full moon is a time of nourishment, expansion, and celebration. A wonderful time to practice gratitude for all the abundance in your life today.

Emotions and feelings are heightened and magnified during a full moon. This is your chance to meet and confront your shadows, so you can heal and move forwards.

Elements of a moon circle

Our FULL moon circles will usually take place at our San Jose location in the backyard garden (weather permitting of course!).

Feel free to bring a cushion, yoga mats, or a blanket to sit on, and an item such as tarot/ oracle cards, crystals, essential oils, flowers, stones, candles, shells, feathers, or even dried herbs to charge and place on our sacred altar. We always opt for a circle because it creates a sense of unity, inclusion, and collective energy; plus it eliminates any hierarchy.


Each full moon will be in a different astrological sign, depending on the date it falls on; and a moon circle is often themed around the sign the moon is in that month.

For example, if the new moon is in Cancer, then the theme might be self-care. If the new moon is in Gemini, then the theme might be communication. In contrast, the full moon always represents the shadow side of each astrological sign.


We always begin or end our circles by nourishing our bodies, through some kind of delicious plant-based food or drink. Water, herbal teas, cacao, and home-baked sweet cakes and treats are often eaten.

Every moon circle will be a different experience

Every moon circle will be slightly different, depending on the women that show up, and the different energy we’re working with at that time.But that’s the beauty of it. Each one is utterly unique, woven with its own special blend of magic.The most important thing is that you show up fully in the moment, and you focus on enjoying this shared experience.Because every woman in that room with you is there for a reason. Your soul has found its way here on purpose. Maybe you’ll have a revelation, an awakening, or a powerful moment of transformation.

Who knows?

Be open to what is trying to come through you, and it won’t pass you by.

Our Full Moon Lodges are powerfully held by Fountainetta Coleman, sound alchemist & DJ

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